Section 1624.

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(a) If the budget review committee established pursuant to Section 1623 disapproves the budget of the county office of education, within five working days following the receipt of the committee’s report, the county superintendent of schools and the county board of education may submit a response to the Superintendent, including any revisions to the adopted budget and any other proposed action to be taken as a result of the recommendations of the budget review committee.

(b) Based upon the recommendations of the budget review committee provided pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 1623, and any response provided pursuant to subdivision (a), the Superintendent shall either approve or disapprove the budget of the county office of education. If the Superintendent disapproves the budget, the superintendent or his or her designee may do any of the following for the remainder of the current fiscal year:

(1) On or before December 31, develop and adopt, in consultation with the county superintendent of schools and the county board of education, a fiscal plan and budget for the county office of education that will allow the county office of education to meet its financial obligations both in the budget year and with regard to the multiyear financial commitments. The county board of education and the county superintendent of schools shall govern the operation of the county office of education for the budget year in accordance with that fiscal plan and budget. The deadline set forth in this paragraph shall be modified to reflect any extension granted under subdivision (d) of Section 1623.

(2) Cancel purchase orders, prohibit the issuance of nonsalary warrants, and otherwise stay or rescind any action that is inconsistent with the fiscal plan and budget adopted pursuant to paragraph (1). The Superintendent shall inform the county board of education and the county superintendent of schools in writing of his or her justification for any exercise of authority under this paragraph.

(3) Monitor and review the operation of the county office of education.

(4) Determine the need for additional staff and may employ, at county office of education expense, short-term analytical assistance or expertise to validate financial information if the county does not have the expertise or staff.

(5) Require the county office of education to encumber all contracts and other obligations, to prepare appropriate cashflow analyses and monthly or quarterly budget revisions, and to appropriately record all receivables and payables.

(6) Determine whether there are any financial problem areas and may employ, at county office of education expense, a certified public accounting firm to investigate financial problem areas.

(7) Withhold compensation of the members of the county board of education and the county superintendent for failure to provide requested financial information.

(c) The county office of education shall pay reasonable fees charged by the Superintendent of Public Instruction for actual administrative expenses incurred pursuant to subdivision (b), or costs associated with improving the county office of education’s financial management practices.

(d) This section shall not be construed to authorize the Superintendent to abrogate any provision of a collective bargaining agreement that was entered into by a county office of education prior to the date upon which the Superintendent disapproved the budget of the county office of education pursuant to subdivision (b).

(e) As he or she deems necessary for the purposes set forth in subdivision (b), the Superintendent may seek from the county office of education, or otherwise obtain, additional information regarding the budget or operations of the county office of education, through a financial or management review of the county office of education, a cashflow projection, or other appropriate means.

(Amended by Stats. 2015, Ch. 19, Sec. 6. (SB 78) Effective June 24, 2015.)

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