Section 1621.

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(a) The single-fund budget shall be prepared in the form prescribed and furnished by the Superintendent of Public Instruction and shall be the county school service fund budget. The budget shall show a complete plan and itemized statement of all proposed expenditures in each fund of the county office of education, of estimated cash balances, and of all estimated revenues for the budget year, and shall include an estimate of those figures, unaudited, for the fiscal year immediately preceding the budget year.

(b) The budget may contain an amount to be known as the general reserve, in such sum as the county board of education may deem sufficient to meet the cash requirements of the fiscal year next succeeding the budget year until adequate proceeds of the taxes levied or of the apportionment of state funds are available.

(c) The budget may contain a fund balance designated for any specific purpose as determined by the county board of education. Those funds shall be available for appropriation by a majority vote of the members of the county board of education.

(Repealed and added by Stats. 1991, Ch. 1213, Sec. 3.)

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