Section 1604.

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No moneys shall be expended from the county school service fund for any purpose in excess of the latest proposed expenditures for such purpose as approved by the Superintendent of Public Instruction under Section 14050, without the approval of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

It shall be the duty of the county auditor to approve warrants drawn on the county school service fund for expenses approved in the county school service fund budget; provided, however, in a county in which the board of supervisors has transferred educational functions to the county board of education pursuant to Section 1080, and a single budget has been authorized for the purposes of the county school service fund, county board of education, county committee on school district organization, and the office of the county superintendent of schools pursuant to Sections 1620 to 1625, inclusive, and the board of supervisors has made the provisions of Sections 42649 and 85265.5 applicable in the county, orders for warrants and warrants shall be signed by the county superintendent of schools and paid by the county treasurer without the approval of the county auditor.

A listing of all warrants issued by the county superintendent of schools, where the approval of the county auditor is not required, shall be forwarded to the county auditor on the same day they are issued. The form of the warrant and the form and content of the warrant listing shall be as approved by the county auditor. The county auditor shall not be liable upon his bond or otherwise for any warrant issued where his approval is not required.

(Amended by Stats. 1979, Ch. 797.)

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