Section 1602.

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The county school service fund shall be utilized by the county superintendent of schools to pay the charges against the fund as are provided in this code; and to provide, with the approval of the county board of education, all of the following:

(a) Additional apportionments to any school district or community college district in the territory under his or her jurisdiction for current expenses that (1) has levied the maximum district tax and in which the annual average current cost per pupil does not exceed the annual average current cost per pupil for all districts of the same type within the county or under the jurisdiction of the county superintendent of schools, or (2) needs additional apportionments for current expenses because of temporary emergency conditions.

(b) Additional apportionments to any school district or community college district in the territory under his or her jurisdiction for the transportation of pupils to and from school to meet temporary emergency conditions.

(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1372, Sec. 30.)

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