Section 16014.

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Apportionment from the State School Building Aid Fund to school districts shall be made in the manner and subject to the conditions herein provided and in accordance with policies adopted by the board, for the following purposes, all of which purposes are hereby declared to be, and are, public works:

(a) The purchase and improvement of schoolsites which have been approved by the State Department of Education.

(b) The purchase of necessary desks, tables, chairs and other movable furniture and equipment, as approved by the State Department of Education.

(c) The planning and construction, reconstruction, alteration of, the moving of portable classroom buildings on an existing site or to another schoolsite, and addition to, school buildings, including built-in or fixed equipment, for any facilities that are approved by the State Department of Education as essential, except a room used solely for an auditorium for a school of any type or class and a room used solely for a gymnasium or a room used solely for a cafeteria for elementary schools. This section does not prohibit the State Department of Education from approving multipurpose rooms which are rooms designed to be used for two or more of the following purposes:

(1) Classroom.

(2) Auditorium.

(3) Gymnasium.

(4) Cafeteria.

(5) Any other purposes that district requires which are approved by the State Department of Education.

Where a district is required by a contract entered into between itself and a contractor, to obtain at its own expense insurance covering risks incurred during any construction, reconstruction or alteration for which an apportionment has been made, the cost thereof may be paid either directly, or by way of reimbursement, to the district out of the apportionment, or out of any apportionment made specifically covering the insurance. However, in other respects the apportionments are eligible for payment under this chapter.

In addition to the foregoing, the board may make an apportionment to a school district for the purchase from another school district of existing facilities, real or personal, including the site thereof, or any portion of any of the foregoing, providing that the board finds that it is economical and good practice on the part of the acquiring district to purchase the same, and that the consideration to be paid in the light of all the circumstances surrounding the transfer is fair and equitable both to the acquiring district and to the state.

(Repealed and added by Stats. 1996, Ch. 277, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 1997. Operative January 1, 1998.)

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