Section 148.

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The department may construct and maintain transit related highway facilities along the state highway system. Those facilities may include, but are not limited to, bus turn-outs, passenger loading areas, passenger benches and shelters, and special traffic control devices. For purposes of this code, those facilities are part of the state highway.

Facilities estimated to cost two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) or more and located in an urbanized area shall be limited to those facilities included by transportation planning agencies in a regional transportation improvement program prepared pursuant to Section 14527 of the Government Code. Not more than one million dollars ($1,000,000) of the state funds appropriated by the Legislature each year for state highway construction may be used for the purpose of constructing those facilities. In addition, for projects estimated to cost thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) or more, the state funds may be used only to match federal or local funds, or both.

(Amended by Stats. 1984, Ch. 95, Sec. 16.)

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