Section 136.5.

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(a) The contracts referred to in Sections 135, 136, and 136.1 are not subject to the State Contract Act (Part 2 (commencing with Section 10100) of Division 2 of the Public Contract Code). Except for emergency work of the type described in subdivision (b), whenever the estimated amount of a contract exceeds two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500), it shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, after competitive bidding on any reasonable notice that the department may prescribe. Posting of notice for five days in a public place in the district office within which the work is to be done, or the equipment used, is sufficient. Those contracts shall be subject to the applicable payment bond provisions of Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 9550) of Title 3 of Part 6 of Division 4 of the Civil Code. The department may require faithful performance bonds when considered necessary. The advertisement for each contract shall state whether or not a bond shall be required.

(b) In cases of emergency work necessitated by the imminence or occurrence of a landslide, flood, storm damage, accident, or other casualty, tools or equipment may be rented for a period of not to exceed 60 days without competitive bidding, and the department may waive the requirements of Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 9550) of Title 3 of Part 6 of Division 4 of the Civil Code to the extent that a contractor may commence performance of the work under the contract for the rental of tools or equipment prior to filing a payment bond with the department. In that case, no payment shall be made to the contractor until a payment bond covering all work of the contract is filed with the department.

(Amended by Stats. 2010, Ch. 697, Sec. 104. (SB 189) Effective January 1, 2011. Operative July 1, 2012, by Sec. 105 of Ch. 697.)

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