Section 135.4.

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As used in Sections 135.3, 135.4, 135.5, 135.6, and 135.7:

(a) “Low-income individuals and families” means those persons who lack the financial ability and income necessary to obtain replacement housing.

(b) “Economically depressed area” means an area which the commission by resolution determines to meet all of the following criteria:

(1) The state highway project is located in an area consisting principally of housing occupied by low-income individuals and families.

(2) An adequate number of replacement housing units for low-income individuals and families is not available in the immediate area of the state highway project.

(3) Relocation advisory assistance will be insufficient to place a majority of such individuals and families in replacement housing in the immediate area of the state highway project.

(c) “Replacement housing” means functionally camparable single or multiple dwelling units which are decent, safe, and sanitary for low-income individuals and families.

(Added by Stats. 1968, Ch. 953.)

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