Section 13402.

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“Estate” or “property” means the real or personal property or interest therein included in the gross estate of a decedent or transferor, and includes all of the following:

(a) All intangible personal property included in the gross estate of a resident decedent within or without the state or subject to the jurisdiction thereof.

(b) All intangible personal property in California included in the gross estate of a nonresident decedent of the United States, including all stock of a corporation organized under the laws of California or which has its principal place of business or does the major part of its business in California or of a federal corporation or national bank which has its principal place of business or does the major part of its business in California, excluding, however, savings accounts in savings and loan associations operating under the authority of the Division of Savings and Loan or the Federal Home Loan Bank board and bank deposits, unless those deposits are held and used in connection with a business conducted or operated, in whole or in part, in California.

(Amended by Stats. 2000, Ch. 363, Sec. 3. Effective September 8, 2000.)

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