Section 13040.

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(a) The State Librarian shall expend the funds allocated for the purposes of this part to develop, in consultation with the State Department of Education and the Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission related to history-social science curriculum framework and content standards, California Native American instructional resources for use in the public schools maintaining any combination of instructional settings from kindergarten to grade 12, inclusive.

(b) The State Librarian may award grants on a competitive basis or shall contract with instructional resource developers to prepare the instructional resources consistent with the state curriculum framework and content standards where the teaching of Native American history is identified, and shall consult with a broadly based group of experts to advise upon and review the instructional resources. The instructional resources shall be subject to Section 13041 and all other relevant statutes governing the content of educational materials prior to distribution to the public schools.

(c) In carrying out subdivision (b), the State Librarian is encouraged to do or enable each of the following, to the extent possible:

(1) Involve California Native Americans in the development of the instructional resources.

(2) Consult with local and regional consortia of organizations and individuals engaged in similar educational, research, and development efforts.

(3) Coordinate and collaborate with organizations and individuals engaging in similar educational, research, and development endeavors.

(4) Utilize creative and innovative methods and approaches in research for, and development of, the instructional resources.

(5) Seek matching funds, in-kind contributions, or other sources of support to supplement the funds provided in support of this part.

(6) Propose the use of a variety of media, including new technology and the arts, to creatively and strategically appeal to pupils while enhancing and enriching community-based educational efforts.

(7) Include scholarly inquiry related to the variety of experiences of California Native Americans.

(8) Add relevant materials to, or catalogue relevant materials in, libraries and other repositories for the creation, publication, and distribution of bibliographies, curriculum guides, oral histories, and other resource directories and supporting the continued development of scholarly work on this subject by making a broad range of archival, library, and research materials more accessible to the American public.

(Added by Stats. 2001, Ch. 870, Sec. 2. Effective October 14, 2001.)

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