Section 1298.

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By agreement between the county board of education and county board of supervisors, in counties in which the provisions of Article 4 (commencing with Section 1310) have become operative and in which functions and duties have been transferred from the county board of supervisors to the county board of education in accordance with Sections 1043 and 1080, the county superintendent of schools may be authorized to employ an administrative adviser as part of the classified service. His or her compensation shall be as fixed by the county board of education, and shall be paid from that part of the single budget prepared by the county board of education for which a county tax is levied pursuant to Section 1623. His or her duties shall be the administrative duties established by the county board of education, and to counsel with and act as a coordinator between, the district attorney or county counsel, the county board of education, the county committee on school district organization, the personnel commission, the county superintendent of schools, school districts, and community college districts which request his or her services. The district attorney or county counsel shall continue to have and to discharge all of the authority and duties imposed upon him or her by law in the schools and education fields; however, the administrative adviser may be deputized by the district attorney or county counsel, in his or her discretion, if the adviser is admitted to practice law in this state.

(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1372, Sec. 24.)

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