Section 1294.

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Each person employed by a county superintendent of schools in a position requiring certification qualifications, except employees included in the civil service system or in any merit system, or any person who holds an office by virtue of an election conducted under the Elections Code or the Education Code, and whose salary is paid from the county school service fund, has the same right with respect to leaves of absence, sick leave, and bereavement leave as a person employed by a school district or a community college district in a position requiring certification qualifications.

Sections 22724, 44845, 44922, 44949, 44955, 44962 to 44976, inclusive, 44977, 44978, 44979, 44983, 44984, 44985, 44987, 87413, 87414, 87740, 87743, 87763 to 87779, inclusive, 87780, 87781, 87782, 87786, 87787, and 87788 apply to persons so employed by a county superintendent of schools and so paid from the county school service fund. Whenever, in those provisions, a duty or power is imposed upon or granted to the governing board of a school district or community college district or an employee thereof, the power or duty shall, for the purposes of this section, be deemed to be granted to or imposed on the county superintendent of schools or his or her employee, respectively. When “district” is used in those provisions, it shall, for the purposes of this section, be deemed to mean “county superintendent of schools.” Compensation paid to employees during those leaves shall be paid from the county school service fund.

The granting of leaves of absence to employees pursuant to Section 44966 or 87767 shall be by the county superintendent of schools, upon approval by the county board of education.

(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1372, Sec. 22.)

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