Section 1271.

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The county superintendent of schools may, with the approval of the county board of education, hold one trustees’ meeting in each year as follows:

(a) One school trustee of each school district of the county shall attend the meeting and participate in its proceedings but more than one trustee of any district may attend if the board of trustees of that district so directs.

(b) School trustees of each school district shall select the trustee or trustees who shall attend the meeting.

(c) Each trustee selected to attend the meeting shall be allowed his or her actual traveling expenses for not to exceed one day incurred in going to and returning from the meeting. The expenses shall be verified by the county superintendent of schools.

(d) The county superintendent shall notify each trustee of the county at least 10 days prior to calling of the trustees’ meeting of the time and place of the meeting.

(e) Each session of the trustees’ meeting may be called at any hour on the day specified and may continue for that time as those meeting see fit.

(f) The county superintendent shall draw his or her requisition on the county auditor who shall draw his or her warrant on the county school service fund to pay the expenses of holding the trustees’ meeting.

(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1372, Sec. 21. Operative January 1, 1992, by Sec. 709 of Ch. 1372.)

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