Section 1260.

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The county superintendent of schools, with the approval of the county board of education, may:

(a) Conduct studies through research and investigation as are determined by the county board to be required in connection with the future management, conditions, needs, and financial support of the schools within the county; or join with one or more school district or community college district governing boards in the conduct of the studies.

(b) Install and maintain exhibits of educational programs and activities of the school districts and community college districts within the county at any county fair or at any agricultural district fair.

(c) Inform and make known to the citizens of the county, the educational programs and activities of the school districts or community college districts in the territory within his or her jurisdiction.

(d) Subscribe for membership in any society, association, or organization which has for its purpose the promotion and advancement of public or private education, subject to the same restrictions as are imposed by Section 35173 on governing boards of school districts respecting those subscriptions.

(e) Provide in-service programs and coordinative services for any school or community college district governing board or governing board association in the territory under the jurisdiction of the county superintendent of schools.

(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1372, Sec. 19.)

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