Section 1253.

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(a) Whenever any school district or community college district is situated partly within two or more counties, jurisdiction over it is, unless otherwise provided in this code, in the county superintendent of schools of the county in which the schoolhouse of the district is located, or, if there be a schoolhouse of the district in each of two or more counties, jurisdiction over the district is in the county superintendent of schools of the county in which the greatest area of the district lies.

(b) Jurisdiction once established pursuant to subdivision (a) over a school district or community college district situated in two or more counties, shall not be changed, regardless of changes in the schoolhouse maintained by the district in the several counties or changes in the areas of the several counties included within the district, except by a majority of the votes cast by the electors within the district on the proposition for change of such jurisdiction submitted at election.

(c) “Jurisdiction,” with respect to community college districts for the purposes of this section, means the responsibility or authority to provide services to community college districts.

(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1372, Sec. 17.)

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