Section 1252.

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The county superintendent of schools of any county may, with the approval of the State Compensation Insurance Fund, insure the liability for compensation of any school districts and community college districts in the territory under his or her jurisdiction, the governing boards of which consent thereto, with the State Compensation Insurance Fund under one policy or contract of insurance and pay the premium for the insurance from the county school service fund. Immediately following the payment of the final premium the county superintendent of schools shall transfer from the funds of each insured district to the county school service fund an amount which bears the same ratio to the premium as the payroll of each district bears to the total payroll of all the insured districts.

Any dividends earned on the premiums paid under this section shall be credited to the individual districts in proportion to the amount of the premium charged to each district.

The expenses of the county superintendent of schools incurred under this section shall be charged to and paid from the county school service fund, which fund shall be reimbursed for those expenses from the general funds of the school districts and community college districts on whose behalf the expenditures are incurred.

(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1372, Sec. 16.)

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