Section 1250.

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The county superintendent of schools, with the approval of the county board of education, may enter into an agreement with the governing board of any school district or community college district in the territory under his or her jurisdiction, to provide for the use by the district of audiovisual equipment and apparatus. The county superintendent of schools is authorized to acquire by purchase, lease, or any other means the equipment and apparatus necessary to provide the service, and to establish facilities for maintaining and servicing that equipment, and for its distribution to school districts and community college districts. The title to all equipment and apparatus acquired by the county superintendent of schools under this section shall be vested in the office of the county superintendent of schools.

The agreement shall, among other matters, provide for the amount of the payment to be made by the districts to the county superintendent of schools, and the time the payments shall be made. The payments made by all districts that have entered into an agreement with the county superintendent of schools under this section shall not exceed the costs of rendering the service. The costs may include any expense necessary to carry out this section.

The governing board of a school district or a community college district may withdraw from an agreement by giving notice six months prior to the beginning of the next fiscal year, and the agreement shall terminate on the last day of the then current fiscal year. The terms of an agreement may be changed by mutual consent at any time.

The county superintendent of schools shall transfer the amounts agreed upon, at the time or times agreed upon, from the general fund of the district to the special equipment and apparatus fund of the county superintendent of schools, which fund is hereby authorized. All funds received for the purposes of this section shall be deposited in said fund, and all expenditures made for the purposes of this section shall be made from the fund.

(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1372, Sec. 15.)

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