Section 11232.

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(a) The commissioner may by regulation prescribe filing fees in connection with applications to the Bureau of Real Estate for a public report pursuant to the provisions of this chapter that are lower than the maximum fees specified in subdivision (b) if the commissioner determines that the lower fees are sufficient to offset the costs and expenses incurred in the administration of this chapter. The commissioner shall hold at least one hearing each calendar year to determine if lower fees than those specified in subdivision (b) should be prescribed.

(b) The filing fees for an application for a public report to be issued under authority of this chapter shall not exceed the following for each time-share plan, location, or phase of the time-share plan in which interests are to be offered for sale or lease:

(1) One thousand seven hundred dollars ($1,700) plus ten dollars ($10) for each time-share interest to be offered for an original public report application.

(2) Six hundred dollars ($600) plus ten dollars ($10) for each time-share plan interest to be offered that was not permitted to be offered under the public report to be renewed for a renewal public report or permit application.

(3) Five hundred dollars ($500) plus ten dollars ($10) for each time-share interest to be offered under the amended public report for which a fee has not previously been paid for an amended public report application.

(4) Five hundred dollars ($500) for a conditional public report application.

(c) Fees collected by the commissioner under authority of this chapter shall be deposited into the Real Estate Fund pursuant to Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 10450) of Part 1. Fees received by the commissioner pursuant to this article shall be deemed earned upon receipt. A fee is not refundable unless the commissioner determines that it was paid as a result of mistake or inadvertency. This section shall remain in effect unless it is superseded pursuant to Section 10266 or subdivision (a) of Section 10266.5, whichever is applicable.

(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 352, Sec. 40. (AB 1317) Effective September 26, 2013. Operative July 1, 2013, by Sec. 543 of Ch. 352.)

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