Section 11212.

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As used in this chapter, the following definitions apply:

(a) “Accommodation” means any apartment, condominium or cooperative unit, cabin, lodge, hotel or motel room, or other private or commercial structure containing toilet facilities therein that is designed and available, pursuant to applicable law, for use and occupancy as a residence by one or more individuals, or any unit or berth on a commercial passenger ship, which is included in the offering of a time-share plan.

(b) “Advertisement” means any written, oral, or electronic communication that is directed to or targeted to persons within the state or such a communication made from this state or relating to a time-share plan located in this state and contains a promotion, inducement, or offer to sell a time-share plan, including, but not limited to, brochures, pamphlets, radio and television scripts, electronic media, telephone and direct mail solicitations, and other means of promotion.

(c) “Association” means the organized body consisting of the purchasers of time-share interests in a time-share plan.

(d) “Assessment” means the share of funds required for the payment of common expenses that is assessed from time to time against each purchaser by the managing entity.

(e) “Department” means the “Department of Real Estate.”

(f) “Commissioner” means the Real Estate Commissioner.

(g) “Component site” means a specific geographic location where accommodations that are part of a multisite time-share plan are located. Separate phases of a time-share property in a specific geographic location and under common management shall not be deemed a component site.

(h) “Conspicuous type” means either of the following:

(1) Type in upper and lower case letters two point sizes larger than the nearest nonconspicuous type, exclusive of headings, on the page on which it appears but in at least 10-point type.

(2) Conspicuous type may be utilized in contracts for purchase or public permits only where required by law or as authorized by the commissioner.

(i) “Developer” means and includes any person who creates a time-share plan or is in the business of selling time-share interests, other than those employees or agents of the developer who sell time-share interests on the developer’s behalf, or retains agents to do the same, or any person who succeeds to the interest of a developer by sale, lease, assignment, mortgage, or other transfer, but the term includes only those persons who offer time-share interests for disposition in the ordinary course of business.

(j) “Dispose” or “disposition” means a voluntary transfer or assignment of any legal or equitable interest in a time-share plan, other than the transfer, assignment, or release of a security interest.

(k) “Exchange company” means any person owning or operating, or both owning and operating, an exchange program.

(l) “Exchange program” means any method, arrangement, or procedure for the voluntary exchange of time-share interests or other property interests. The term does not include the assignment of the right to use and occupy accommodations to owners of time-share interests within a single site time-share plan. Any method, arrangement, or procedure that otherwise meets this definition in which the purchaser’s total contractual financial obligation exceeds three thousand dollars ($3,000) per any individual, recurring time-share period, shall be regulated as a time-share plan in accordance with this chapter. For purposes of determining the purchaser’s total contractual financial obligation, amounts to be paid as a result of renewals and options to renew shall be included in the term except for the following: (1) amounts to be paid as a result of any optional renewal that a purchaser, in his or her sole discretion may elect to exercise, (2) amounts to be paid as a result of any automatic renewal in which the purchaser has a right to terminate during the renewal period at any time and receive a pro rata refund for the remaining unexpired renewal term, or (3) amounts to be paid as a result of an automatic renewal in which the purchaser receives a written notice no less than 30 nor more than 90 days prior to the date of renewal informing the purchaser of the right to terminate prior to the date of renewal. Notwithstanding these exceptions, if the contractual financial obligation exceeds three thousand dollars ($3,000) for any three-year period of any renewal term, amounts to be paid as a result of that renewal shall be included in determining the purchaser’s total contractual financial obligation.

(m) “Incidental benefit” is an accommodation, product, service, discount, or other benefit, other than an exchange program, that is offered to a prospective purchaser of a time-share interest prior to the end of the rescission period set forth in Section 11238, the continuing availability of which for the use and enjoyment of owners of time-share interests in the time-share plan is limited to a term of not more than three years, subject to renewal or extension. The term shall not include an offer of the use of the accommodation, product, service, discount, or other benefit on a free or discounted one-time basis.

(n) “Managing entity” means the person who undertakes the duties, responsibilities, and obligations of the management of a time-share plan.

(o) “Offer” means any inducement, solicitation, or other attempt, whether by marketing, advertisement, oral or written presentation, or any other means, to encourage a person to acquire a time-share interest in a time-share plan, other than as security for an obligation.

(p) “Person” means a natural person, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, joint venture, association, estate, trust, government, governmental subdivision or agency, or other legal entity, or any combination thereof.

(q) “Promotion” means a plan or device, including one involving the possibility of a prospective purchaser receiving a vacation, discount vacation, gift, or prize, used by a developer, or an agent, independent contractor, or employee of any of the same on behalf of the developer, in connection with the offering and sale of time-share interests in a time-share plan.

(r) “Public report” means a preliminary public report, conditional public report, final public report, or other such disclosure document authorized for use in connection with the offering of time-share interests pursuant to this chapter.

(s) “Purchaser” means any person, other than a developer, who by means of a voluntary transfer for consideration acquires a legal or equitable interest in a time-share plan other than as security for an obligation.

(t) “Purchase contract” means a document pursuant to which a developer becomes legally obligated to sell, and a purchaser becomes legally obligated to buy, a time-share interest.

(u) “Reservation system” means the method, arrangement, or procedure by which a purchaser, in order to reserve the use or occupancy of any accommodation of a multisite time-share plan for one or more time-share periods, is required to compete with other purchasers in the same multisite time-share plan, regardless of whether the reservation system is operated and maintained by the multisite time-share plan managing entity, an exchange company, or any other person. If a purchaser is required to use an exchange program as the purchaser’s principal means of obtaining the right to use and occupy accommodations in a multisite time-share plan, that arrangement shall be deemed a reservation system. When an exchange company utilizes a mechanism for the exchange of use of time-share periods among members of an exchange program, that utilization is not a reservation system of a multisite time-share plan.

(v) “Short-term product” means the right to use accommodations on a one-time or recurring basis for a period or periods not to exceed 30 days per stay and for a term of three years or less, and that includes an agreement that all or a portion of the consideration paid by a person for the short-term product will be applied to or credited against the price of a future purchase of a time-share interest or that the cost of a future purchase of a time-share interest will be fixed or locked-in at a specified price.

(w) “Time-share instrument” means one or more documents, by whatever name denominated, creating or governing the operation of a time-share plan and includes the declaration dedicating accommodations to the time-share plan.

(x) “Time-share interest” means and includes either of the following:

(1) A “time-share estate,” which is the right to occupy a time-share property, coupled with a freehold estate or an estate for years with a future interest in a time-share property or a specified portion thereof.

(2) A “time-share use,” which is the right to occupy a time-share property, which right is neither coupled with a freehold interest, nor coupled with an estate for years with a future interest, in a time-share property.

(y) “Time-share period” means the period or periods of time when the purchaser of a time-share plan is afforded the opportunity to use the accommodations of a time-share plan.

(z) “Time-share plan” means any arrangement, plan, scheme, or similar device, other than an exchange program, whether by membership agreement, sale, lease, deed, license, right to use agreement, or by any other means, whereby a purchaser, in exchange for consideration, receives ownership rights in or the right to use accommodations for a period of time less than a full year during any given year, on a recurring basis for more than one year, but not necessarily for consecutive years. A time-share plan may be either of the following:

(1) A “single site time-share plan” that is the right to use accommodations at a single time-share property.

(2) A “multisite time-share plan” that includes either of the following:

(A) A “specific time-share interest” that is the right to use accommodations at a specific time-share property together with use rights in accommodations at one or more other component sites created by or acquired through the time-share plan’s reservation system.

(B) A “nonspecific time-share interest” that is the right to use accommodations at more than one component site created by or acquired through the time-share plan’s reservation system, but including no specific right to use any particular accommodations.

(aa) “Time-share property” means one or more accommodations subject to the same time-share instrument, together with any other property or rights to property appurtenant to those accommodations.

(Amended by Stats. 2018, Ch. 285, Sec. 54. (AB 2884) Effective January 1, 2019.)

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