Section 11018.

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The following constitutes Fish and Game District 10:

The ocean waters and the tidelands of the State to high-water mark lying between the southern boundary of Mendocino County and a line extending west from the Pigeon Point lighthouse in San Mateo County, including the waters of Tomales Bay to a line drawn from the mouth of the unnamed creek approximately 1500 feet north of Tomasini Point southwesterly 218° magnetic to the mouth of the unnamed creek at Shell Beach, and excluding Bodega Lagoon and all that portion of Bolinas Bay lying inside of Bolinas bar, that portion of San Francisco Bay lying east of a line drawn from Point Bonita to Point Lobos and all rivers, streams, and lagoons.

The amendment of this section by the Legislature at the 1963 Regular Session has no effect on the cultivation of oysters by persons licensed under Article 4 (commencing with Section 6480), Chapter 5, Part 1, Division 6.

(Amended by Stats. 1963, Ch. 1487.)

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