Section 1043.

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Upon the adoption of a resolution by the board of supervisors of the county consenting to the transfer of the functions specified in this section, the functions specified in this section shall be transferred from the county board of supervisors to the county board of education. The functions, including, but not limited to, the receipt of petition and reports and other papers, are those specified in Sections 35001, 35002, 35676, 35698, 35699, 35703, 35704, 35705, 35722, 35723, 35724, 74100, 74104, 74131, 74132, 74134, 74151, 74153, 74156, 74250, 74251, and 74295.

Upon the adoption of the resolution, any reference, with respect to that county, in those sections to the board of supervisors shall be deemed to be a reference to the county board of education of that county and any reference to the clerk of the county board of supervisors shall be deemed to be a reference to the secretary of the county board of education of that county.

(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1372, Sec. 11.)

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