Section 104.22.

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(a) Notwithstanding any other law, the Department of Transportation shall, consistent with Article XIX of the California Constitution, transfer to the Department of Parks and Recreation the real property in the City of San Diego between Taylor Street and Wallace Street and between Juan Street and Calhoun Street, which was acquired for highway purposes and which was previously used by the department as its District 11 administrative headquarters, and which is commonly known as 2829 Juan Street, San Diego.

(b) The real property transferred pursuant to subdivision (a) shall be incorporated into the state park system upon its transfer to the Department of Parks and Recreation.

(c) On and after the date of transfer, the Department of Transportation shall have no continuing obligation relating to the ownership, maintenance, or control of the transferred real property, and all obligations of ownership, maintenance, and control shall thereafter be borne by the Department of Parks and Recreation.

(d) The transfer of the real property required by this section shall be completed within 90 days of the effective date of the act enacting this section in the 2013–14 Regular Session of the Legislature.

(e) The transfer of the real property required by this section serves a public purpose.

(Added by Stats. 2013, Ch. 356, Sec. 51. (SB 96) Effective September 26, 2013.)

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