Section 104.11.

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(a) Upon a finding that the action would not adversely affect the activities of the department, the department may lease, in whole or in part, property owned by it in the block bounded by First Street, Main Street, Second Street, and Los Angeles Street in the City of Los Angeles to public agencies or private entities for any term not to exceed 99 years. Each lease shall be subject to reservations, restrictions, and conditions as the department deems appropriate. Prior to entering into a lease, the department shall determine that the proposed lease is not in conflict with local zoning ordinances. The lease may provide for joint use of the property by the department. Each lease shall be subject to prior approval by the commission.

(b) Revenues from leases shall be deposited in the State Highway Account.

(c) The department shall act as agent for the payment of its tenant’s possessory interest tax in accordance with the procedures of Section 104.13.

(Added by Stats. 1987, Ch. 1060, Sec. 1.)

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