Section 101144.5.

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(a) The bonds authorized by this chapter shall be prepared, executed, issued, sold, paid, and redeemed as provided in the State General Obligation Bond Law (Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 16720) of Part 3 of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code), and all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, are hereby incorporated into this chapter as though set forth in full within this chapter, except subdivisions (a) and (b) of Section 16727 of the Government Code shall not apply to the bonds authorized by this chapter.

(b) For the purposes of the State General Obligation Bond Law, each state agency administering an appropriation of the 2016 Community College Capital Outlay Bond Fund is designated as the “board” for projects funded pursuant to this chapter.

(c) The proceeds of the bonds issued and sold pursuant to this chapter shall be available for the purpose of funding aid to the California Community Colleges for the construction on existing or new campuses, and their respective off-campus centers and joint use and intersegmental facilities, as set forth in this chapter.

(Added November 8, 2016, by initiative Proposition 51, Sec. 3.)

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