Section 101.

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(a) The department shall keep in repair all objects or markers adjacent to a state highway which have been erected to mark registered historical places and shall keep such markers free from vegetation which may obscure them from view.

(b) When the Legislature, by concurrent resolution, has designated names for certain districts and state highway bridges, and requested the placing of name plaques at the boundaries of the districts or on the bridges, the department is authorized to expend reasonable sums for such plaques.

(c) Any major bridge not previously named by the Legislature may be named by the Legislature, by concurrent resolution, for a serviceman killed in action who was a resident of the county in which the bridge is located. The name shall be selected from names submitted to the department by veterans’ associations as defined by Section 1260 of the Military and Veterans Code.

(Amended by Stats. 1970, Ch. 1346.)

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