Section 1007.

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(a) Members of the county board of education shall be elected on the date and in the manner prescribed for the election of members of governing boards of school districts, provided the elections are held throughout the county on the same date; otherwise the election shall be consolidated with the direct primary election. Once established, no subsequent change of circumstances shall require that the time of holding the election be changed. Where the elections for governing board members are held on the same date, then the provisions of Section 5303 shall apply to the election of members of the county board of education. Elections held pursuant to this article shall be conducted by the county board of education. Members elected at the time of the direct primary shall take office on the first day of July, and members elected at the date on which members of school district governing boards are elected shall take office on the second Friday in December subsequent to their election. The county committee on school district organization shall determine the manner in which the county board of education first elected shall effect a staggering of terms.

(b) This section shall govern the election and term of office of members of a county board of education except as provided under Sections 1302 and 10404.5 of the Elections Code.

(Amended by Stats. 2018, Ch. 146, Sec. 1. (AB 2449) Effective January 1, 2019.)

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