49-289.03. Community involvement plan; community advisory boards; rules
A. The public shall receive notice and be provided an opportunity to comment to the director regarding the following actions taken by the director:
1. The placement of a site on the registry as provided in section 49-287.01.
2. The selection of a remedy as provided in section 49-287.04.
3. Entering into a prospective purchaser agreement with a person pursuant to section 49-285.01.
4. Entering into a settlement with a responsible party pursuant to section 49-292, 49-292.01 or 49-292.02.
B. The director shall adopt rules to implement this section and to govern providing information to communities and community involvement areas that include how to disseminate information, the location of public information repositories and notice requirements.
C. Before it implements a remedial investigation as provided in section 49-287.03, subsection D the department shall develop a community involvement plan for each site that does all of the following:
1. Establishes a community advisory board.
2. Designates a spokesperson to inform the public and to act as a liaison between the department, the local government and the responsible party.
3. Provides for newsletters with current information about the status of remedial action at the site and other pertinent information to be distributed to residents within the site.
4. Schedules community advisory board meetings.
D. A selection committee shall be established for each site that is required to have a community involvement plan pursuant to section 49-287.03, subsection D. The selection committee shall consist of the following members:
1. One representative of the department.
2. One representative of a potentially responsible party, an owner or operator of a facility within the site or an affected business or industry.
3. One local elected official.
4. Two community members who are not employees of any responsible party, the department or the local government.
E. Each community advisory board shall advise the department, the public and the responsible parties of issues, concerns and opportunities related to the expeditious cleanup of the site. Each community advisory board shall be composed of at least five but not more than twenty members. The members of the community advisory board shall be chosen to represent a diversified cross section of the community with an appropriate balance of interested parties and affected groups. Applications for membership on the community advisory board and the names of the applicants shall be publicly available. Community advisory board members may serve on more than one community advisory board and multiple sites may share a community advisory board to avoid unnecessary multiple boards.
F. Each community advisory board shall:
1. Within ninety days after appointment of members by the selection committee, elect cochairpersons and other officers if needed and shall develop a charter defining at a minimum operating procedures, membership terms and obligations, goals for developing issues, concerns and opportunities related to expeditious cleanup of the site, and any other anticipated activities of the board for identifying and improving the public's access and understanding of information regarding the remediation processes at the site.
2. In response to site activities or a request from a community advisory board member or a city, town or county in which the site is located, meet with the department and any identified responsible parties to receive site briefings, progress reports and other pertinent information.
3. Coordinate with the department to establish local repositories for the dissemination of information about the site.
G. Each community advisory board may:
1. Make site visits and participate in public meetings related to cleanup opportunities and remedy selection decisions.
2. Participate in an annual meeting held by the department in each county that has a site undergoing a remedial investigation and feasibility study under section 49-287.03 or in the process of selecting or implementing a remedy for the purpose of facilitating public involvement and identifying funding priorities for site cleanups.