49-242. Procedural requirements for individual permits; annual registration of permittees; fee
A. The director shall prescribe by rule requirements for issuing, denying, suspending or modifying individual permits, including requirements for submitting notices, permit applications and any additional information necessary to determine whether an individual permit should be issued, and shall prescribe conditions and requirements for individual permits.
B. Each owner of an injection well, a land treatment facility, a dry well, an on-site wastewater treatment facility with a capacity of more than three thousand gallons per day, a recharge facility or a facility that discharges to protected surface waters to whom an individual or area-wide permit is issued shall register the permit with the director each year and pay an annual registration fee for each permit based on the total daily discharge of pollutants pursuant to subsection E of this section.
C. Each owner of a surface impoundment, a facility that adds a pollutant to a salt dome formation, salt bed formation, underground cave or mine, a mine tailings pile or pond, a mine leaching operation, a sewage or sludge pond or a wastewater treatment facility to whom an individual or area-wide permit is issued shall register the permit with the director each year and pay an annual registration fee for each permit based on the total daily influent of pollutants pursuant to subsection E of this section.
D. Pending the issuance of individual or area-wide aquifer protection permits, each owner of a facility that is prescribed in subsection B or C of this section that is operating on September 27, 1990 pursuant to the filing of a notice of disposal or a groundwater quality protection permit issued under title 36 shall register the notice of disposal or the permit with the director each year and shall pay an annual registration fee for each notice of disposal or permit based on the total daily influent or discharge of pollutants pursuant to subsection E of this section.
E. Only for a onetime rulemaking after July 29, 2010, the director shall establish by rule an annual registration fee for facilities prescribed by subsections B, C and D of this section. The fee shall be measured in part by the amount of discharge or influent per day from the facility. After the onetime rulemaking, the director shall not increase those fees by rule without specific statutory authority for the increase.
F. For a site with more than one permit subject to the requirements of this section, the owner or operator of the facility at that site shall pay the annual registration fee prescribed pursuant to subsection E of this section based on the permit that covers the greatest gallons of discharge or influent per day plus one-half of the annual registration fee for gallons of discharge or influent for each additional permit.
G. The director shall prescribe the procedures to register the notice of disposal or permit and collect the fee under this section. The director shall deposit, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, all monies collected under this section in the water quality fee fund established by section 49-210 and may authorize expenditures from the fund to pay the reasonable and necessary costs of administering the registration program.