42-12004. Class four property
A. For purposes of taxation, class four is established consisting of:
1. Real and personal property and improvements to the property that are used for residential purposes, including residential property that is owned in foreclosure by a financial institution, that is not otherwise included in another classification and that is valued at full cash value. The homesite that is included in class four may include:
(a) Up to ten acres on a single parcel of real property on which the residential improvement is located.
(b) More than ten, but not more than forty, acres on a single parcel of real property on which the residential improvement is located if it is zoned exclusively for residential purposes or contains legal restrictions or physical conditions that prevent the division of the parcel. For the purposes of this subdivision, " physical conditions" means topography, mountains, washes, rivers, roads or any other configuration that limits the residential usable land area.
2. Real and personal property and improvements to the property that are used solely as leased or rented property for residential purposes, that are not included in class one, two, three, six, seven or eight and that are valued at full cash value.
3. Child care facilities that are licensed under title 36, chapter 7.1 and that are valued at full cash value.
4. Real and personal property and improvements to property that are used to operate nonprofit residential housing facilities that are structured to house or care for persons with disabilities or who are sixty-two years of age or older and that are valued at full cash value.
5. Real and personal property and improvements that are used to operate licensed residential care institutions or licensed nursing care institutions that provide medical services, nursing services or health related services and that are structured to house or care for persons with disabilities or who are sixty-two years of age or older and that are valued at full cash value.
6. Real and personal property consisting of no more than eight rooms of residential property that are leased or rented to transient lodgers, together with furnishing no more than a breakfast meal, by the owner who resides on the property and that is valued at full cash value.
7. Real and personal property consisting of residential dwellings that are maintained for occupancy by agricultural employees as a condition of employment or as a convenience to the employer, that is not included in class three and that is valued at full cash value. The land associated with these dwellings shall be valued as agricultural land pursuant to chapter 13, article 3 of this title.
8. Real property and improvements to property constituting common areas that are valued pursuant to chapter 13, article 9 of this title.
9. Real and personal property that is defined as timeshare property by section 32-2197 and valued pursuant to chapter 13, article 10 of this title, except for any property used for commercial, industrial or transient occupancy purposes and included in class one to the extent of that use.
10. Real and personal property and improvements that are used for residential purposes and that are leased or rented to lodgers, except for:
(a) Property occupied by the owner of the property as the owner's primary residence and included in class three.
(b) Property used for commercial purposes and included in class one.
11. Low-income multifamily residential rental properties that are valued pursuant to chapter 13, article 13 of this title.
B. Subsection A, paragraphs 4 and 5 of this section do not limit eligibility for exemption from taxation under chapter 11, article 3 of this title.