42-1006. Interrogatories to taxpayers; power to require information; classification
A. The director may prepare interrogatories to be propounded to taxpayers concerning matters relating to taxes, with an oath or affirmation annexed, which shall be fully answered by the taxpayers to whom they are submitted.
B. Any person who knowingly makes a false answer to any proper question submitted to him by the director or who knowingly fails to answer any question submitted, or to take or subscribe the oath or affirmation annexed thereto, is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor.
C. The director may administer oaths or affirmations, issue subpoenas requiring attendance and testimony of witnesses, take evidence and require by subpoena duces tecum the production of books, papers and other documents which may be relevant to the powers and duties of the department.
D. The director may hold hearings to obtain information deemed necessary to carry out the powers and duties of the department. Hearings shall be held at a time and place and in the manner prescribed by the director, and notice of such hearing shall be given in the manner and form prescribed by the director.
E. In the case of refusal of the person to obey a subpoena issued by the director, the superior court, upon application by the director, shall issue to such person an order requiring him to appear before it and to produce evidence if so ordered, or give testimony, or to appear before the court and show cause why he should not be required to do so. Failure to obey such order of the court may be punished by the court as contempt.