37-104. Power to make and accept conveyances of real property
A. The state land department may accept conveyances to the state of real property or any interest therein whether by gift, in trust, or otherwise, and containing terms, conditions or requirements deemed proper by the department.
B. Conveyances may be accepted for the purposes, among others, of establishing and maintaining airports and landing fields, with uses necessary or incidental thereto, proving grounds, testing grounds, and in addition but without limitation, war projects necessary to state or national defense, upon terms and conditions reasonable or necessary. The department may enter into arrangements, agreements or leases for the establishment, operation or maintenance of such projects with agencies of the United States or with any person, firm or corporation.
C. The department may lease, dedicate, convey or otherwise transfer state lands unless otherwise leased, subject to constitutional limitations, to agencies of the United States or to any person, firm or corporation, upon terms and conditions necessary and proper, for the purpose of establishing, maintaining or conducting airports and landing fields and uses necessary or incidental thereto, proving grounds, testing grounds, and in addition but without limitation, war projects necessary to state or national defense.