Kachemak Bay State Wilderness Park established.

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(a) The presently state-owned land and water, and all that acquired in the future by the state, lying within the parcels described in this section are designated as the Kachemak Bay State Wilderness Park. In order to protect and preserve this land and water for its unique and exceptional wilderness value, the park is established and shall be managed as a wilderness park. The land and water lying within the following described parcels is reserved from all uses incompatible with its primary function as a wilderness park and is assigned to the department for control and maintenance:

(1) Township 8 South, Range 11 West, Seward Meridian

Section 9: S1/2

Section 10: S1/2

Section 11: S1/2

Section 12: S1/2

Sections 13 - 16

Sections 19 - 36;

(2) Township 9 South, Range 10 West, Seward Meridian

Sections 1 - 3;

(3) Township 9 South, Range 12 West, Seward Meridian

Section 7

Section 8: S1/2 and NW1/4

Section 13: S1/2

Section 14: S1/2

Sections 15 - 36;

(4) Township 9 South, Range 13 West, Seward Meridian

Section 11: NE1/4

Sections 12 - 13;

(5) Township 10 South, Range 9 West, Seward Meridian

Sections 5 - 7;

(6) Township 10 South, Range 10 West, Seward Meridian;

(7) Township 10 South, Range 11 West, Seward Meridian;

(8) Township 10 South, Range 12 West, Seward Meridian;

(9) Township 11 South, Range 10 West, Seward Meridian;

(10) Township 11 South, Range 11 West, Seward Meridian;

(11) Township 11 South, Range 12 West, Seward Meridian

Sections 1 - 10

Section 11: W1/2 and E1/2

Sections 12 - 17

Sections 21 - 24.

(b) The following public domain land shall be selected by the state, and classified as wilderness park land and designated as part of Kachemak Bay State Park immediately upon receipt of management authority by the state:

(1) Township 8 South, Range 10 West, Seward Meridian

Sections 4 - 5

Section 7: S1/2

Sections 8 - 9

Sections 16 - 21

Sections 28 - 33;

(2) Township 9 South, Range 10 West, Seward Meridian: W1/2;

(3) Township 9 South, Range 11 West, Seward Meridian.

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