(a) The public access fund is established as a special account in the general fund and funds may be deposited into the special account and withdrawn from it as provided in this section. The fund consists of money contributed to it by individuals and corporations and interest derived from those contributions. The fund shall be invested by the commissioner of revenue. The Department of Revenue may be reimbursed for actual administrative costs incurred under this subsection by appropriation from the public access fund.
(b) Except as provided in (a) of this section, the commissioner shall administer the fund. The commissioner, after public hearings and in concurrence with the commissioner of fish and game, may use money in the fund to develop recreational access, including the purchase and lease of land, easements, and rights-of-way to enhance public access to recreational areas.
(c) The title to rights of public access to recreational areas obtained by the commissioner vests in the state. The commissioner shall include in the instrument transferring title to the state a clause requiring that the land be used for public access. If the land ceases to be available for public access, the state shall either
(1) pay to the fund the assessed value of the land at that time; or
(2) if the land was purchased with funds derived under 16 U.S.C. 777 - 777k (Sport Fish Restoration Act), as amended, reimburse the sport fish restoration program.
(d) The legislature may appropriate to the fund. The interest earned on funds appropriated to the public access fund by the legislature shall be deposited in the general fund. The commissioner of administration shall separately account for the interest deposited in the general fund under this subsection. The annual estimated balance in the account may be appropriated by the legislature to the public access fund.