In addition to other duties prescribed by statute, the department shall
(1) develop facility procurement policies for the planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation of public facilities of the state;
(2) develop and maintain an inventory of physical facilities currently owned or occupied by the state;
(3) make projections of future public facility needs of the state, analyze facilities needed, and establish methodology for program planning and facilities project planning, design, and construction, based upon
(A) a justification of the level of service anticipated by the program agency, utilizing population projections and estimates approved by the governor;
(B) consideration of the geographical area to be served by the facility and relevant data concerning the agency's existing public facilities in that area;
(C) the date by which the services are to be provided;
(D) alternative program methods for providing the services; and
(E) pertinent data requested by the department in accordance with procedures developed under AS 35.10.180;
(4) engage in experimental projects as necessary relating to any available or future method of facility procurement, design, or construction and any method of improving existing design, planning, and construction techniques;
(5) develop life cycle costs of public facilities of the state;
(6) develop life cycle costing methodologies for the following special purposes:
(A) budget forecasting to support facility program planning and analysis;
(B) systematic cost estimating to forecast planning, design, and construction;
(C) budget forecasting to support development of annual maintenance and operating strategies and life cycle cost plans;
(D) alternative methods of space acquisition and space equalization which will maximize the effectiveness of public funds;
(7) apply for and accept, on behalf of the state, grants from the federal government or an agency of it or from another state foundation, corporation, association, or individual for any of the functions or purposes of the department and may expend any of the money received under this section for any of the functions or purposes.