Remedies for absence, nonuse and abandonment.

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(a) When the rental agreement requires the tenant to give notice to the landlord of an anticipated extended absence in excess of seven days as required in AS 34.03.150 and the tenant wilfully fails to do so, the landlord may recover an amount not to exceed one and one-half times the actual damages.

(b) During an absence of the tenant in excess of seven days, the landlord may enter the dwelling unit at times reasonably necessary as provided in AS 34.03.140. The landlord may reenter the dwelling unit and, if there is evidence that the tenant has abandoned the dwelling unit, unless the landlord and tenant have made a specific agreement to the contrary, the landlord may terminate the rental agreement.

(c) If the tenant abandons the dwelling unit, the landlord shall make reasonable efforts to rent it at a fair rental value. If the landlord rents the dwelling unit for a term beginning before the expiration of the rental agreement, the agreement is considered terminated on the date the new tenancy begins. The rental agreement is considered terminated by the landlord on the date the landlord has notice of the abandonment if the landlord fails to use reasonable efforts to rent the dwelling unit at a fair rental value or if the landlord accepts the abandonment as a surrender. If the tenancy is from month to month, or week to week, the term of the rental agreement for purposes of this section shall be considered a month or a week, as the case may be.

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