Suspension or revocation of certificate of authority.

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(a) The director shall suspend or revoke the certificate of authority of a service corporation that the director finds, after a hearing, is no longer qualified under this chapter.

(b) The director may after a hearing, suspend or revoke the certificate of authority for a violation by the service corporation of a provision of this chapter for which mandatory suspension or revocation is not required under (a) of this section, or on an applicable ground set out in AS 21.09.140 and 21.09.150.

(c) A service corporation may not, while its certificate of authority is suspended or revoked, transact business as a service corporation other than that necessary and incidental to the discharge of its contracts and agreements outstanding on the day the suspension or revocation became effective. The corporation may not, after the revocation of its certificate of authority, solicit or issue new subscriber's contracts.

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