Hearing and order on violation.

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(a) On the complaint of a person or on the motion of the director, the director may conduct an investigation to determine whether a person has violated this chapter.

(b) If the director determines that a person has violated this chapter, the director shall serve an order upon the person charged requiring that person to cease and desist from engaging in the act or practice. A person aggrieved by the cease and desist order may demand a hearing under AS 21.06.170 - 21.06.240.

(c) If the director believes that a person has violated a cease and desist order issued under (b) of this section, the director may certify the relevant facts to the superior court for proceedings under AS 44.62.590. In addition to the penalties and remedies provided for in AS 44.62.590, the superior court, upon finding that the cease and desist order has been violated, may order the violator to comply with the order, pay a penalty of not more than $100,000 for each violation, revoke or suspend the violator's license, and bar the violator from transacting the business of insurance in the future.

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