Form and content of licenses.

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(a) A license must be in the form the director prescribes and must set out

(1) the name and address of the licensee and, if the licensee is required to have a place of business, the physical address of the place of business;

(2) the type, class, and lines of authority the licensee is licensed to handle;

(3) the effective date and expiration date of the license;

(4) each condition, if any, under which the license is granted;

(5) the date of issuance of the license;

(6) each fictitious name and alias under which the licensee may do business; and

(7) other information required by the director.

(b) A license issued by the director does not in itself create any authority, actual, apparent, or inherent, in the holder of the license to represent or commit an insurer.

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