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The council may

(1) adopt regulations for the administration of AS 18.70.320 - 18.70.369, including regulations

(A) establishing minimum training and performance standards for certification of fire services personnel that are consistent with the standards of the National Fire Protection Association or other applicable standards;

(B) establishing minimum fire training curriculum requirements for certification of training programs that are designed to enable trainees to meet the standards established under (A) of this paragraph;

(C) governing the procedure for certification of fire services training programs that meet the minimum curriculum requirements adopted under this section;

(D) governing the procedure for certification of individuals who satisfy the minimum training and performance standards established under this section; and

(E) governing the procedure for revocation of the certificate of a person or program that, having been issued a certificate under this section, fails at a later date to meet the standards adopted by the council under this section; the procedures must be consistent with AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act);

(2) consult and cooperate with municipalities, agencies of the state, other governmental agencies, universities, colleges, and other institutions concerning the development of fire services training schools and programs offered in the state;

(3) employ an administrator and other persons necessary to carry out its duties; and

(4) charge and collect fees determined by the council to be necessary.

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