Power of corporation to confer upon obligee right to bring action or proceeding.

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In conjunction with the exercise of a power authorized by AS 18.55.100 - 18.55.290, the corporation may, by resolution, trust indenture, mortgage, lease, or other contract, confer upon an obligee holding or representing a specified amount in bonds, or holding a lease, the right upon a default as defined in the resolution or instrument by suit, action, or proceeding

(1) to have possession of a housing or public building project or part of one surrendered to the obligee, with possession retained by the obligee as long as the corporation continues in default;

(2) to obtain the appointment of a receiver of a housing or public building project or part of one and its rents and profits, who may enter, take possession, and for the duration of the default operate and maintain it, collect and receive all fees, rents, revenues, or other charges thereafter arising, and keep the money in a separate account or accounts to be applied in accordance with the obligations of the corporation as the court directs;

(3) to require the corporation and the members of its board of directors to account as if they were the trustees of an express trust.

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