Duties of the commission.

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(a) The commission shall serve as the state health planning and coordinating body. Consistent with state and federal law, the commission shall provide recommendations for and foster the development of a statewide health plan containing the following:

(1) a comprehensive statewide health care policy;

(2) a strategy for improving the health of all residents of the state that

(A) encourages personal responsibility for disease prevention, healthy living, and acquisition of health insurance;

(B) reduces health care costs by using savings from

(i) enhanced market forces;

(ii) fraud reduction;

(iii) health information technology;

(iv) management efficiency;

(v) preventative medicine;

(vi) successful innovations identified by other states; and

(vii) other cost-saving measures;

(C) eliminates known health risks, including unsafe water and wastewater systems;

(D) develops a sustainable health care workforce;

(E) improves access to quality health care; and

(F) increases the number of insurance options for health care services.

(b) The commission may hold public hearings to gather information and opinions from health care consumers on matters before the commission. Hearings shall be conducted under AS 44.62.210, except that the commission shall provide public notice of hearings not less than 15 days before the conduct of the hearing and include not fewer than three notices published in the statewide news media.

(c) The commission shall submit to the governor and the legislature by January 15 of each year an annual report regarding the commission's recommendations and activities. The report shall include voting records, copies of financial disclosures, and conflicts of interest statements.

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