Early voting.

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(a) For 15 days before an election and on election day, a qualified voter who meets the requirements set out in this section may vote in locations designated by the director.

(b) The election supervisor or other election official shall issue a ballot to the voter upon

(1) exhibition of proof of identification as required in AS 15.15.225;

(2) verification that the voter's residence address appearing on the official registration list is current; and

(3) the voter's signing the early voting register.

(c) After the voter has marked the ballot, the voter shall place the ballot in the secrecy sleeve and inform the election supervisor or other election official. The voter shall deposit the ballot in the ballot box in the presence of the election supervisor or other election official unless the voter requests the election supervisor or other election official to deposit the ballot on the voter's behalf. The tabulation of early voting ballots may not begin before 8:00 p.m. prevailing time on election day.

(d) The director shall designate locations for early voting by June 1 of an election year.

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