(a) Libraries eligible for grants under AS 14.56.300 are
(1) public libraries established under AS 14.56.400 or, in a municipality that does not have a public library established under AS 14.56.400, another library that
(A) is a nonprofit corporation and holds meetings of its board of directors in public;
(B) provides services listed in AS 14.56.400(a); and
(C) is approved to receive grants under AS 14.56.300 by resolution of the governing body of that municipality;
(2) libraries sharing resources free of charge with other libraries in the state; and
(3) libraries providing regional library services.
(b) A library described in (a)(1) of this section is eligible for a public library assistance grant. A library described in (a)(2) of this section is eligible for an interlibrary cooperation assistance grant. A library described in (a)(3) of this section is eligible for a regional library services assistance grant.