Land of the University of Alaska not public domain land.

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(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, university-grant land, state replacement land that becomes university-grant land on conveyance to the university, land conveyed to the Board of Regents in trust for the University of Alaska under AS 14.40.365, and any other land owned by the university is not and may not be treated as state public domain land. Land conveyed to the Board of Regents in trust for the University of Alaska under AS 14.40.365 shall be managed as nontaxable trust land under AS 14.40.365 - 14.40.367 and policies of the Board of Regents.

(b) Title to or interest in land described in (a) of this section may not be acquired by adverse possession, prescription, or in any other manner except by conveyance from the university.

(c) The land described in (a) of this section is subject to condemnation for public purpose in accordance with law.

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