Reimbursement for costs of capital projects.

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(a) Subject to appropriations for the purpose, during each fiscal year, the legislature may appropriate an amount to reimburse the University of Alaska for the cost to be paid by the university during that same fiscal year for the principal and interest on outstanding debt for the projects listed in (b) of this section.

(b) An appropriation under this section may be used only for reimbursement of costs incurred for acquisition, construction, and renovation of the following projects and only for reimbursement of total project costs incurred up to the following amounts:

PROJECTUniversity of Alaska, Anchorage Community and Technical $14,000,000College CenterJuneau Readiness Center/UAS Joint Facility (Juneau) 5,470,000 (c) The University of Alaska is authorized to incur debt for the projects listed under (b) of this section. AS 14.40.253 does not apply to the projects listed in (b) of this section or to obligations incurred by the university to finance those projects.

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