Establishment of Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies.

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(a) The University of Alaska shall establish an Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies in an appropriate unit of the university at its Anchorage campus. The institute shall consist of a research and instruction branch and an administration and information branch.

(b) The institute shall

(1) encourage international cooperation, especially among circumpolar nations, with regard to research, studies, information, and instruction relating to circumpolar health issues;

(2) serve as a center for the collection and exchange of information and medical and health sciences data relating to circumpolar health issues;

(3) provide a mechanism for communication and cooperation between the university and the commissioner of health and social services in addressing the needs of Alaskans for health care services, opportunities for education in medical and health sciences, and other mutual concerns of the university and the department; and

(4) conduct research and provide instruction and other services consistent with the mission and goals of the University of Alaska.

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