Terroristic threatening in the second degree.

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(a) A person commits the crime of terroristic threatening in the second degree if the person makes a threat that a circumstance

(1) dangerous to human life or property exists or is about to exist with reckless disregard that the threat may

(A) place a person in reasonable fear of serious physical injury to any person by means of a dangerous instrument;

(B) cause evacuation of or initiation of an emergency protocol for a building, public place or area, business premises, or mode of public transportation;

(C) cause serious public inconvenience; or

(D) cause the public or a substantial group of people to fear serious physical injury; or

(2) exists or is about to exist that is dangerous to the proper or safe functioning of an oil or gas pipeline or supporting facility, utility, or transportation or cargo facility; in this paragraph, “oil or gas pipeline or supporting facility” and “utility” have the meanings given in AS 11.46.495.

(b) Terrorist threatening in the second degree is a class C felony.

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