Section 8-26B-55
Alabama Collegiate Athletics Commission.
(a) There is established the Alabama Collegiate Athletics Commission. The purpose of the commission shall be to develop rules and recommendations to maintain the fairness and integrity of amateur intercollegiate athletics and the principle of amateurism in intercollegiate athletics, consistent with this article. The commission may do all of the following:
(1) Make rules or recommendations related to the implementation of name, image, and likeness standards and requirements that are consistent with this article.
(2) Make rules or recommendations about a process to manage registered athlete agents in the context of name, image, and likeness.
(3) Make rules or recommendations for the establishment of an independent dispute resolution process for any dispute arising between a student athlete and a postsecondary education institution related to name, image, or likeness usage.
(4) Make rules or recommendations regarding the financial literacy and life skills programming required by this act.
(b) The commission shall consist of seven members, including the Governor, who shall serve as chair; the Lieutenant Governor; the President Pro Tempore of the Senate; the Speaker of the House of Representatives; the Minority Leaders of the House of Representatives and the Senate; and the chair of the Alabama Athlete Agents Commission.
(c) The commission may consult with individuals or groups with information or knowledge about issues related to name, image, and likeness, including, but not limited to, current or former student athletes, coaches, conference or school administrators, professionals with expertise in sports marketing, contracting and public relations, athlete agents, and the Alabama Athlete Agents Commission.
(d)(1) Meetings of the commission shall be held at the call of the chair.
(2) A meeting may only be held where there is a quorum of at least three members.
(3) Meetings of the commission may take place via electronic means.
(4) Within 15 calendar days of any called meeting, the commission shall publicly post a report of any formal rules or recommendations that were developed during the meeting.
(e) A violation of a rule of the commission shall be punishable by a civil penalty of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000).
(Act 2021-227, §6.)