Section 45-5-90
2020 Strategic Planning Commission.
(a) In Blount County, there is hereby created the "Blount County 2020 Strategic Planning Commission" (hereinafter called the commission), for the development of long-term goals and objectives for Blount County covering economic, environment, business, and education, and other significant areas of concern to the citizens of the county, whose members shall serve on a voluntary basis and without compensation.
(b)(1) The commission shall be composed of volunteer residents of the county who submit written applications to the appointing authority. The appointing authority will be composed of the Blount County Probate Judge, the President of the Blount County/Oneonta Chamber of Commerce, and the Blount County Legislative Delegation. The following appointive positions will be created: Director, deputy director, associate directors for the areas described in subdivision (2), and other commission membership positions as the appointing authority may offer.
(2) An associate directorship shall be available for each of the following areas:
a. Education.
b. Economic development.
c. Business and industry.
d. Recreation and tourism.
e. Environment.
f. Governmental roles and relations.
g. Agriculture and forestry.
h. Health.
i. Any other areas deemed necessary by the appointing authority. However, the commission shall not consist of more than 25 appointees at any given time.
(3) The appointing authority shall make all appointments for a period of five years for each position described or that is subsequently created. Successors shall be appointed by the appointing authority for five-year terms. Appointees may be reappointed for one additional term. Vacancies for the unexpired terms shall be filled by the appointing authority.
(4) Formulation of the 2020 plan should involve a wide spectrum of individuals and interests reflecting the diversity of citizens of the county. Each associate director serving as chairperson of one of the areas shall be encouraged to include any number of interested persons in the development of the plan components. Wide publicity and encouragement should be given to the total effort to make certain that all interested parties are aware of it.
(c) The commission is authorized to receive, hold, and expend any public or private grant or grants for a specific purpose and is authorized to receive financial or other assistance from any governmental agency if approved by the agency for the purposes without limitation, of the hiring of clerical or office personnel, supplies, furniture, office space, other accommodations, or equipment.
(d)(1) The commission shall prepare a comprehensive plan describing in detail what Blount County should and can be in the year 2020. The plan should cover desired economic, educational, environmental, and other quality of life conditions that would reflect the aspirations, needs, and responsibilities of Blount County citizens as the county moves ahead into its second century. Benchmark goals, objectives, and actions required to attain the overall 2020 goals shall also be established for the years 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015.
(2) The 2020 plan and its benchmark components shall be completed and presented to the appointing authority no later than January 15, 1994. It shall be made available to all interested citizens of the county and to other interested parties as appropriate.
(3) During each benchmarks year (and possibly at other times if deemed necessary by the commission) the plan shall be reviewed by the commission, and revised and updated as needed to insure that changing conditions and opportunities are recognized and incorporated into the plan for the year 2020 and for all intervening benchmark years. This review should likewise extend the overall plan to maintain its life cycle at 25 years. For example, the review made in the year 2000, should establish long-range goals for the year 2025; the 2005 review would establish goals for 2030; and always with comprehensive information relating to the five-year interval benchmark years.
(e) The commission shall not engage in partisan politics in any form concerning its official duties.
(Act 92-413, p. 843, §§1-5.)