Landfill Projects and Dirt Pits.

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Section 45-49-71.02

Landfill projects and dirt pits.

(a) Whenever the Mobile County Commission deems it to be in the public interest to approve a landfill project to be established anywhere in the county, it shall call for a public hearing on such landfill project to be held at least 30 days prior to approving the project. The public hearing shall be attended by members of the county commission and at least two representatives of the business entity that is to serve as the primary contractor for the landfill project. In the event the public hearing is not held in compliance with the foregoing provisions of this subsection, the county commissioner representing the commission district in which the proposed landfill project is to be situated is authorized and empowered to exercise veto power, at his or her discretion, over the remaining members of the county commission on any decision approving the project. Whenever the Mobile County Commission deems it to be in the public interest to approve a landfill project and dirt pits to be established anywhere in the county, it shall call for a public hearing on such landfill project and dirt pits to be held at least 30 days prior to approving the project and dirt pits.

(b) The public hearing shall be attended by all of the members of the county commission and at least two competent representatives of the business entity that is to serve as the primary contractor for the landfill project and dirt pits. In the event the public hearing is not held in compliance with the foregoing provisions of this subsection, the county commissioner representing the commission district in which the proposed landfill project and dirt pits are to be situated is authorized and empowered to exercise veto power, at his or her discretion, over the remaining members of the county commission on any decision approving the project and dirt pits.

(Act 86-480, p. 914, § 1; Act 87-500, p. 757, § 1.)

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